- Burning question
- Жгучий вопрос
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
burning question — or burning issue noun One keenly discussed • • • Main Entry: ↑burn * * * burning issue/question phrase something that people have strong opinions about and think is very important The burning question is: can the Internet be regulated? Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
burning question — A burning question is something we all want to know about … The small dictionary of idiomes
burning question — A burning question is something we all want to know about. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** What everyone is asking, and what we all want to know about, is called the burning question. Who leaked the information? That s the burning… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
burning question — See the burning question … English idioms
burning question — pressing issue, subject which requires an immediate solution … English contemporary dictionary
the burning question — the main question, what we all want to know Who drove the car into the lake? That s the burning question … English idioms
The Burning Question — Det brændende spørgsmål Directed by Alice O Fredericks Produced by Jens Dennow Henning Karmark Written by Svend Jensen Thit Jensen Svend Rindom … Wikipedia
burning issue — see ↑burning question below. • • • Main Entry: ↑burn burning question or burning issue noun One keenly discussed • • • Main Entry: ↑burn * * * burning issue/question phrase … Useful english dictionary
burning — 1 adjective (only before noun) 1 on fire: You could see the burning house for miles around. 2 feeling very hot: burning cheeks 3 burning ambition/need etc a very strong need etc: burning ambition: My burning ambition is to travel around the world … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
burning — [[t]bɜ͟ː(r)nɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ You use burning to describe something that is extremely hot. ...the burning desert of Central Asia. Syn: scorching ADV: ADV adj Burning is also an adverb. He touched the boy s forehead. It was burning hot. 2) ADJ: ADJ n … English dictionary
burning — burn|ing [ bɜrnıŋ ] adjective only before noun ** 1. ) being destroyed by fire: burning buildings a burning car 2. ) very hot: the burning sun of the desert I felt his burning forehead. 3. ) painful, and feeling as if a part of your body is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English